

  • Prepare business owners to maximize their exit from their business

  • Assist business in preparing it for sale, investment or establishing financing with a bank.

  • Find investors/buyers for businesses or identify bank for financing.

  • Manage due diligence process and provide guidance on term negotiations for sale or acquisition.

  • Provide strategic advice regarding structure and sale

  • Assist in establishing or improving business operations and profitability

  • Provide fractional CFO, financial and tax advice

  • Help businesses manage operational, financial and legal risk

Our Mission

We are a Montana-based regional business management, financial and legal consulting firm that serves a broad mix of private, public and non-profit institutions. Whether you are looking to set up a new business, take your current business to the next level or preparing to exit your business, we have the experience and relationships to help you to find and reach your end goal.  We support our clients in making significant and lasting improvements to their business performance so that they may realize their most important goals. Our mission is to transform great companies into sharper, smarter, and better versions of themselves. We want to help management teams create such high levels of operational and financial value, that together we redefine our respective industries.

It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most responsive to change.
— Charles Darwin


We are driven by curiosity and are students of the ripple effect.  Our work is founded on a rigorous understanding of every client’s institutional context, sector dynamics, and macroeconomic environment. For this reason, we invest our firm’s resources in knowledge development, learning and capacity building. We study markets, trends, emerging best practices and corporate legal issues in relevant industry both locally, regionally and globally. Our investment in knowledge also helps advance the practice of business management. We collaborate with other consultants in different aspects of business and engage with leading thinkers on the most pressing issues facing our clients and society.